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Welcome to the Shinah Show!

An intimate podcast where Shinah shares the most important lessons she’s learned on her journey from unhappy corporate lawyer to thriving, successful professional calligrapher.

New episodes drop every week!


EPISODE 124 - From Hobbyist to Paid Pro

Ever wondered if your creative hobby could become something more? Megan did too—she’s loved calligraphy since childhood but never in her wildest dreams imagined getting paid for it. Tune in to find out how she was able to make back the investment in our Modern Calligraphy 201 course in just six months… twice over

EPISODE 123 - You ONE YEAR From Now

Join me as I share the story of one of my students - who in a year’s time went from feeling like a total imposter in the calligraphy world, to a confident business owner, all fueled by a courageous attitude! I share my tips for how to change your mindset to a “Go For It” mentality so this time next year, you can be exactly where you have always dreamed of being.

EPISODE 118 - High Paying Calligraphy Skills

I recently asked for podcast topics on my social media - and SO many of you reached out! Join me on today’s episode as I answer one of your questions & define what a “high paying calligraphy job” is, what makes it different than a lower paying calligraphy job, and what skills can help expand your business & land these types of work!

EPISODE 116 - How To Get Live Calligraphy Jobs (And Be Great At Them)

In this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m pulling back the curtains on the live event calligraphy industry! I’m sharing tactical tips on how to get hired, ways to set yourself apart from other calligraphers, and why being professional & part of the team is the name of the game to be in-demand in this industry. I’ll also discuss my best course to help you break into landing brand activations (and when you’ll be able to get your hands on it!).

EPISODE 115 - 11 Years Ago I Blew Up My Life

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my 11-year journey of building Crooked Calligraphy & how I blew up my life not just once, but twice along the way. Through the many phases of my business, I finally have learned the best ways to instill confidence in myself, most beneficial uses of my money, and how to separate my self-worth from my businesses successes and failures. Join me as I update you on the current phase my business is in, and what my husband building a dance floor in our backyard has to do with it!

EPISODE 114 - Normalizing Business "Failure" For Female Small Business Owners

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my best advice for normalizing failure as a female small business owner. SO many big business owners have failed businesses under their belt - which they wear as “badges of honor”. So why do we beat ourselves up so much when we don’t succeed? It’s time to change the narrative! Join me to learn how to separate your self-worth from your business failures, why we need to “normalize” failure, and just how many times I’ve failed on my business journey before Crooked Calligraphy!

EPISODE 113 -3 Beginner Biz Mistakes I Made (so you don’t have to!)

On today’s episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing with you the 3 biggest mistakes I made when starting out – because more than anything, I want to teach other budding entrepreneurs what REALLY matters when you’re just getting your feet on the ground. I’m sharing the hard lessons I’ve learned, including how and when to value your opinion, why doing more can sometimes be counterproductive, and what gardening and entrepreneurship have in common!

EPISODE 111 - How To Stop Fearing Business "Mistakes"

In today’s episode, I’m going to totally transform the way you think about business “mistakes” and “failures.” ‘Cause way too many of us go into business thinking you’ve gotta be close to perfect. Join me as I redefine our outdated, elementary way of "grading" our business successes, reframe your mindset on true success, and share the embarrassing, unfortunate, and silly mistakes I've made throughout my 10 year entrepreneurial journey.

EPISODE 109 - "We're Disappointed In Your Calligraphy"

I recently shared with my Calligraphy Biz Inner Circle members about a time I had a client so "disappointed" in my calligraphy that they withheld payment. I shared this not to teach them about payment standards, but to remind them that client’s opinions can be brutal. But at the end of the day, they are just that – OPINIONS. Join me as I share the advice I gave them about how to reframe your thinking and stop scrutinizing your work!