Calligraphy Business

CALLIGRAPHY BUSINESS: How I doubled my revenue in 2019

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I did ONE THING to double my revenue in 2019.

I invested in learning. I invested a LOT.

Over $25,000 in fact. Just on LEARNING stuff.

This doesn’t include software or computers or ads or contractors or any of those other typical business expenses.

This is just online courses, coaching programs, conferences, workshops, retreats, ebooks, stuff like that…

So, without further ado, here’s the actual breakdown:


  • Scale with Success by Caitlin Bacher

  • Team of One with Jordan Gill

  • List Builders Lab by Amy Porterfield

  • Fab Facebook Ads by Claire Pelletreau

  • Instagram for Creatives by Amanda Arneil

    TOTAL: $19,800


  • Stationers Summit by Biz Birthday Bash

  • Skillshare

  • Workbooks by PAScribe

  • iPad Brushes and Grids by Stefan Kunz

  • iPad Brushes by iPad Lettering

  • French Roundhand Workshop by David Grimes

    TOTAL: $680


  • Alt Summit

  • Craft + Commerce by ConvertKit

  • Glow Retreat by Cathy Heller

    TOTAL: $2,300


  • Prosperity Breakthrough System by Six Figure Academy

  • Life/Business Coaching by The More You

  • Total $3,800

GRAND TOTAL: $26,580


Guys, that number up there STILL kinda shocks me.

That’s about TWICE THE TOTAL REVENUE that I brought in from Crooked Calligraphy in all of 2016 (my first year in business).

But here’s what happened.

I invested $26K in learning and I doubled my revenue. (From $100K in revenue in 2018 to over $220K in revenue in 2019).

And I would never have been able to achieve those results if I hadn’t taken a risk and believed that I WAS WORTHY OF THE INVESTMENT.

Investing in yourself is scary. You have to have faith in your own capabilities: that you’re going to be able to take that investment and grow and shed old beliefs and actually put what you learn into action.

But once you invest in yourself, something magical happens.

You show up differently. You feel fully committed. You get to hang out with people who think that EVEN MORE is possible for you.

You have to have skin in the game in order for that magic to happen.

So if there’s something you’ve always wanted to do… but you feel bad spending money on yourself…..

Answer the difficult question: “Why don’t you think you’re worth it?”

‘Cause I know you are.


Calligraphy Roadmap


Teaching yourself calligraphy can feel like fumbling around in the dark. You’re getting ink blobs… but you DON’T KNOW WHY!!! Your nib keeps catching on your paper… but you DON’T KNOW WHY!! Your letters don’t look right… but you DON’T. KNOW. WHY.

You need a ROADMAP…. and fast.

My FREE Calligraphy Roadmap will show you the six steps you need to follow to actually get GOOD at calligraphy. Without spending HOURS a day practicing boring rows of drills.

Get outta the dark. And start having FUN with your calligraphy!

One of the hardest things about learning pointed nib calligraphy is diagnosing WHICH of the many factors is the culprit when things go wrong (the nib? the ink? the paper? you?)

So, the more bits of knowledge you have about your tools, the more easily you can figure out these little hiccups. I hope this helps you on your calligraphy journey!