EPISODE 70 - Hobby v. business mindset - How to sell more

As sellers, we have to remember that we aren’t selling ourselves on our products- you’re selling to an audience. Oftentimes we need to put ourselves in THEIR shoes and say, “What would someone buying my product want to hear?”. In this episode, I’m breaking down the hobby (“I”) mindset versus the business (“they”) mindset, and how it truly effects your bottom line.

EPISODE 68 - Launch Strategy & A Vulnerable Share

I’m looking at my latest launch and analyzing why: 1) A pre-launch runway is so important, 2) Too much content during a launch can be a BAD thing, and 3) The #1 thing I’ve been neglecting that would have given me different results. I’m also sharing a vulnerable truth about this year’s revenue that I hope will help some of you feel not alone. 

EPISODE 67 - BONUS "The Dom Perignon Effect"

The juiciest part of my recent live training, where I talk about “The Dom Perignon Effect”: 1) How I became the go-to calligrapher for Dom Perignon’s Los Angeles events, 2) The 3 Keys to serving corporate clients well and 3) The lucrative side-effect of giving corporate clients exactly what they’re looking for - with real numbers from my own past experience!

EPISODE 65 - Business 101: Phase 3

Ready to move CONFIDENTLY into your business future, but don’t know where to start?? I’m hosting 2 new LIVE webinars unlike any I’ve ever hosted! “Confident Calligraphy Style (Stop Copying & Start High-Paying Clients)” is FREE and happening Tuesday, September 12th 2023 at 5pm PST & Saturday, September 16th 2023 at 11am PST!

EPISODE 64 - Business 101: phase 2

So you’ve explored and gotten your business off the ground- bravo!! You’ve found some customers, created a few product offerings, and have the framework established to build your business… now what?? In this week’s episode, we dive into phase 2 of my 3-part Business 101 series- refining! We’ll discuss what it looks and feels like to start honing in on the important tasks and trusting your decision-making capabilities more.

EPISODE 63 - Business 101: Phase 1

Have you ever tried to start a business, but became paralyzed at the OVERHWHELMING list of to-do’s?? Trust me, I’ve been there. In the 8 years I’ve spent building Crooked Calligraphy, I’ve realized there are 3 distinct stages of building a business- exploring, refining, and mastering. Join me in this episode as I guide you through the 1st stage-  EXPLORING!

EPISODE 61 - Rebuilding After Burnout (Six-Month Update)

A deeply personal and vulnerable evaluation of how my business is feeling this year, now that I’ve declared that I would run it with less “should’s” and more joyful messing around. I reveal my revenue this year compared to 2022 and 2021, the deep money insecurities that are plaguing me, and why I still feel this year has been resounding success.

EPISODE 55 - Business Model Breakdown

An inside peek at the overall STRATEGY I’m thinking through for my calligraphy business. If you’re a new or growing calligraphy business owner, and you’re not sure if you’re spending your time in the right way… this will help you think BIG PICTURE, and take more confident steps towards INCREASING REVENUE